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& these are our stories

Kaylah R.

Kaylah is a very energetic Wolverine! She has many hobbies, including playing with her Pet Vet set and the video game Minecraft.  Kaylah's favorite subject is gym, which is no surprise since she likes to play many different sports and she is even on a swim team called the Sharks. She really enjoys learning about the Bible and about all different kinds of animals.

Sydney B.

Sydney is 7 years old and in the 1st grade.  Her favorite sports are soccer and basketball. She likes to play with her shopkins, her tablet and listen to music. Sydney's favorite subjects are science and devotions, where she learns to memorize Psalm 100.  She loves spending time with her family, especially on vacation. When Sydney grows up she wants to be a Pharmacist or a teacher.

Israel E.

Israel is a wonderful young man who is currently in the 6th grade. He loves to read and write stories, which he reads to his parents and his 6 year old brother who is in kindergarten at Calvary.  Reading the Bible is important to him and his favorite verse in Psalm 103:1-2, "Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me."  Israel also loves to play basketball and to act!

Kylee C.

Kylee is an amazing 4th grader who is involved in many different activities.  She likes music, swimming and babysitting - especially her cousins! Her favorite subjects are reading, math, and of course, lunch and recess.  The book she is currently reading is Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  When it comes to her favorite Bible verse, Kylee instantly writes 1 Corinthians 15:33 - "Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."

Erin W.

Erin is not only an amazing athlete, but a wonderful student and friend. She is involved in many sports at Calvary, including volleyball, cheerleading and track and field.  Her favorite subject in school is History because it connects her to the past.  The Bible verse she lives by is Proverbs 31. It talks about women of Christ and how He created us with love and in His image. When she is not studying or playing a sport, she likes to read, practice typing and watching the National Treasure movies!

Levell K.

Levell is a very enthusiastic 6th grader with many hobbies.  From playing drums to watching the food channel, Levell can be found playing his electronics between his studies.  He doesn't play any sports but he does like to watch soccer.  His favorite subject is math because it is very simple for him.  Levell says he is very shy in public but hyper in private!  His favorite Bible verse?  John 3:16!

Jaelyn J.

Kennedy H.

Se'Van J.

Kennedy N.

Kennedy is one of Calvary's hard-working students.  She is in the 1st grade and likes rainbows, the color pink, and cats and dogs. She plays soccer and basketball and is also an artist.  The two things she loves the most...her family and the Lord.

Daniel F.

Daniel is in the 2nd grade and is a proud Calvary Wolverine.  He likes to read books and play with legos. Not only does he watch sports, but he plays as, football and taekwon-do! His favorite subject in school is math and his favorite bible verse is Philippians 4:13.  When Daniels grows up he wants to be an author and write books.

Rasean B.

Rasean is an amazing young man who has a wide range of interests. His hobbies are video games, reading interesting books and having fun with his friends. His favorite subjects are math and science. If you ask him what his favorite bible verse is, he will tell you Genesis 1:1 because it reminds him that his incredible God is awesome! Rasean is a very athletic eighth grader and feels blessed to be a Calvary student!

Se'Van is a very gifted and talented young man. Drawing is his greatest passion and he draws because God has planted that in him.

Se'Van does not have a favorite subject because he says that all subjects are vital to his learning.  He does have a favorite Bible verse though: Proverbs 3:6. 

Outside of school Se'Van has many interests. He likes to bowl, play basketball and listen to his all time favorite music - Motown! Se'Van also participates in the Drama Club and sings whenever he gets the chance.

Kennedy is a very energetic Calvary Wolverine! Her favorite subjects are math and science and when she grows up she wants to be a scientist.  She loves to do science experiments with her mom and travel with her family. Kennedy has already visited eleven states and Jamaica twice! When she's not in school you can find her doing gymnastics and playing on her neighbors trampoline.

Jaelyn is a bright shining star at Calvary Academy.  She really likes to learn about science and math and her favorite bible verse is Genesis 12:1-3.

Jaelyn likes to swim, dance and play soccer. She has one brother, one sister and a baby sibling on the way!

Maddox is in kindergarten and well on his way to becoming an amazing student at Calvary Academy!  His favorite subject is reading and the bible verse he likes the most is James 2:23.  When not in school, Maddox likes to play video games, watch football and play with his toys.  

Maddox P.

Gabrielle B.

Gabrielle is in the 5th grade and is such a hard worker! She has participated in soccer, volleyball and is now part of the cheerleading team at Calvary. Her two favorite subjects at school are Math and Science.  Besides hanging out with her friends, Gabrielle likes to draw, especially outfits and people. 

Her favorite Bible verse is Genesis 1 because it talks about how the world was made.  

Jania B.

Jania has many hobbies for a 4th grader, which includes drawing, reading, gymnastics and playing with her sisters.  She has always cheered our Wolverine sport teams on but now she plans on joining the volleyball team next year.  

With so many interests, it's not surprising her favorite bible verse is Phillippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Madison is a kindergartener who likes to do a lot of different things! She has many hobbies, such as coloring projects, playing with dolls, painting, singing and dancing. As a matter of fact, she has been in ballet since she was three.  Her favorite subject in school is reading and she really enjoys her parents taking her to the library. She loves going to church on Sunday and being around her friends and family.

Madison R.

Bryce C.

Bryce is an amazing student with a variety of hobbies! Some of those hobbies are playing games, making cards and discovering animals.  His favorite sport is basketball, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that his favorite subject in school is gym! When asked what Bible Verse he likes the most, he said Matthew 4:23- "Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in the synagogues, proclaiming the good news, and healing every disease and sickness among the people."

Kaleb S.

Kaleb is a very enthusiastic and hard working student at Calvary Academy.  Not only is he involved in band, but he is also involved in the Drama Club and will be starring in a production in March. His favorite Bible verse is Ephesians 6:8-16, which is about putting on the full Armor of God! Kaleb also shares that he likes to crack jokes, but when it's time to be serious...he gets serious!

Kendall is a kind, generous and obedient kindergarten student. He absolutely loves his school and his teachers. He enjoys playing basketball, soccer and bowling, and also playing with his toys - especially legos!  Kendall's favorite subject is reading and his favorite class is gym. When he grows up, he wants to be a builder and build skyscrapers!

Kendall N.

Jorielle T.

Jorielle is a very bright and motivated Calvary student.  Some of her hobbies include making slime and training her dog Chip.  Her favorite sport is archery where she enjoys shooting arrows.  One of Jorielle's goals is to compete in the olympics and win a gold metal for the USA!  When asked what her favorite Bible verse is, she said John 3:16 because it says God loves the world and He gave His son Jesus.

Trinity H.

Trinity is an 8th grader at Calvary who has many talents and interests. She is a Wolverine on the volleyball team and her two favorite subjects are science and english. She likes science because is explains how God created extraordinary life. English educates her on how to write in the midst of brilliance.  Her favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13 because it motivates her to know she can do anything that she puts her mind to: through God and only God, can she succeed. Trinity is grateful to be able to go to Calvary and is extremely blessed to have teachers that care and love her and she is especially thankful for everything the Lord has done for her. 

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